The Lab


I began dreaming about the Lab in 2017, early in the summer before freshman year of highschool.


The exterior of the Lab looks a lot like my intermediate school (grades 5-6), albeit behind a barbed wire fence. The lawn is perfectly mowed and it's usually very sunny. The inside of the Lab differs from this 'cheery' disposition; It consists of unchartable rooms, all of them attributed to a specific environmental change. Some examples of these rooms include a rubber-walled room with a trampoline floor, a room filled roughly 2/3s of the way up with water, a room covered in mirrors, a tall room with a fan at the top and steel nails in the walls that jut out just so, a room filled with long vertical glass rods of varying height but consistent width protruding from the floor, a room with a steel wall and a colsole that separates it from another steel room with a console along with a window to peek into the other room, and a room that is dark and nearly not big enough for one person to fit within.

Another hallmark of the Lab is the vent system, which is the main way of traversing the rooms. There are doors and windows into other rooms, but many rooms can only be accessed through vents. It's also the safest way of getting through the Lab, or getting out of it. The Lab can be accessed through the street.


The Lab contained a colony of small robots, which i'm calling The Bots. They were bumbling and awkward, moving between two unbending pointed legs like little protractors that had been cursed with sentience. They chirped, yipped, shrieked, beeped, and hummed, along with an array of other vocalizations. They were only big enough to hold in my hand, and about the size of my favorite jacket pocket. I know this because I put one of them in my favorite jacket pocket the last time I saw them in my dreams. They appeared tense when traversing the Lab, and were only found within or extremely close to the vents. I believe this is because they are prey to this next Hubpopulace, based on the occasional sounds of chewing and snapping metal that I sometimes heard from my space in the vents.

The Lab is also a host to something i'm going to call Scientists. For many years, I had not ever seen a scientist. I only heard them scraping along through the hallways with their sounds like quiet groans and dragging bags made of leather along tile floors. I knew that if they heard me, they would come after me, so I did my best not to let them see me and never saw them in turn. This has since been rectified, unfortunately. They're tall, bald, light-gray humanoids with dark eyes so large that the sclera is hardly visible. Their mouths are wide and unhinged, pulling down and back and stretching the skin behind their jaw over their neck like pelicans can sometimes be seen doing. They have long arms that drag on the ground, and their legs have two knee joints- the first bending forward regularly, and the other bending back. This allows them incredible speed and air time when they jump. They run in a jittery and broken fashion, favoring speed and power over grace. Their broad shoulders are often too wide to fit through the vents without a squeeze and a great delay, which is why they are the safest option of transport.



I've yet to pick out any definite rules of the Lab. There aren't many rules to reality- i've even been able to read legible and consistent text here- but there are plenty of consequences for mistakes. For example...


1) Do not let the Scientists see me.If they see me, they rush at me in their terrible shaking way and make a high pitched hissy-click noise like a geiger counter. It's painfully loud. I have yet to be caught by a Scientist, but I have seen one rip a pipe right off of the wall and throw it at me with great force. I don't want to be caught by the Scientists.

2) Do not breathe in any rooms that smell like sulfur. That is because the air is made of some kind of poisonous and noxious compound that's probably part sulfur. I have passed out and woken up on occasion.

3) DO NOT JUMP IN THE TRAMPOLINE ROOM!!! The trampoline has become a concrete floor without warning, leading to some very nasty nightmares that I woke up from in an awful state.

4) Do not remove the Bots. This is another rule that I broke myself, resulting in the ruination of this dreamhub. I snuck the bot in my pocket out through the vents and allowed it to roam in the grass. It still did not look too happy, falling down often as it tried to get across the rough terrain, but we did have some fun while I sat in the neatly trimmed green sidelines of the old kickball field. Since that dream, I have not seen another Bot, and the Scientists have been even tetchier and harder to avoid than ever. Their hearing must have gotten better, as they go off at the slightest noise.