This page was made for the purpose of extra information that I find too tangential to add to the main page or to any of the dreamhub pages themselves. It will probably be linked to on various pages to serve as extended reading.

The Street and other such Routes

If you read carefully through all of my dreamhub pages, you may see me mention the Street. This street is the method by which I can access several of my dreamhubs and other filler dreams- including the Bookstore, the Lab, and the Cornerstore. I consider it separate from my dreamhubs, because of the lack of hard rules and the abundance of portals- instead, i’m going to call it a Route.

Routes are places of transition between dreams, be they filler dreams or dreamhubs. Whether or not I am lucid in these Routes and how much control I have over them does not seem to matter. I can be perfectly lucid, and end up in a filler dream; likewise, I could subconsciously wander into a dreamhub where I suddenly gain lucidity.

The street for me isn’t so much a place as it is a genre of place. It is always the same in a vague sense- a street that runs through a heavily populated area, and can contain main roads, side streets, alleyways, speedways, all sorts of roads of different make and design. There is always a sidewalk regardless of what kind of path I go down. Everything else is a toss up, including what buildings are on the side of the street and whether or not they’re portals, as well as where those portals take me. The layout changes routinely, as does the environment/climate outside of the street.

I was originally going to put this in an update by itself, sort of like an aside, but the first person to reach out to me about their experiences with dreamhubs mentioned a similar feature. This person explained that many of their dreamhubs were accessible by train. Here’s what they had to say, with some adjustments for privacy:

“I don't travel by train often but this whole (dreamhub) thing started after… I had to take a 10 hour train ride alone so I guess that must've stuck with me. The train in my dreams is very much like the trains in my country irl but it leaves from the airport.”

I had asked whether or not this person rides the train often because my running theory was that Routes appear in the form of whatever transport is most familiar or significant to the dreamscaper. I myself cannot drive or ride a bike, and public transport is pretty inaccessible and thinly-spread where I live at the moment. The only time I leave the house of my own volition and control is by walking.

The Waking World

I have a few running theories about how dreamscapers interact with the real world, how being a dreamscaper changes the ways one interacts with the waking world, or comorbid conditions/symptoms alongside being a dreamscaper. None of these are set in stone, or even necessarily things I experience myself; rather, this is a list of traits shared between two or more of the people i have spoken to (including myself) that show strong signs of being dreamscapers.

Neurodivergence (ADHD, ASD, FASD)
Mental Illness (anxiety, depression, PTSD, OCD, personality disorders)
Maladaptive Daydreaming or being a Neuronarrator
Sleep Disorders (insomnia, parasomnia, RLS, circadian rhythm delay, shift work disorder, frequent sleep paralysis)
Some prescription medications (I won't disclose what medications have been reported to me by others, but I take methylphenidate and fluoxetine)

I also believe that, regardless of other conditions, dreamscaping could possibly affect memory in some capacity.

Bookstore Notes

I mentioned in the main page of the Bookstore dreamhub that I find certain words to be especially important and memorable. Since writing that, I’ve taken greater care to look for more keywords and write them down upon waking. This list will update as I dream more often in the bookstore with said words and key phrases.

Enjoy- enjoy has shown up a total of 4 times, actually, three of which occurred in the same night.

As for what exactly these mean or if they have meaning at all, i'm not sure. A few of these words stand out to me as important while awake: Lazarus appears to be from biblical origin, although I am not christian or particularly religious in any capacity. Kulupu is a word from the language of Toki Pona- a language I am mildly interested in at the moment. It is the only time I can remember dreaming about the language.