The Junkyard


I've been dreaming in the junkyard since roughly 2010, around the time I moved into my second house (2010-2012).


The Junkyard is located in a vast red desert with plenty of sandstone pillars and outcrops in the distance. It's a dumping ground for garbage, mostly old furntiture, house appliances, car parts, jugs of chemical waste or byproducts- big and awkward or dangerous garbage that can't go anywhere else. There are tents made of car pieces and black tarps, and old abandoned trailers or RVs. Gardens are surrounded by rusting metal grate spokes as stakes, growing the sorts of food that shouldn't be able to grow in such a hot desert- berries, pumpkins, watermelons, tomatoes, pineapples, trees that produce apples and oranges and pears. There's no visible water pumps, wells, or natural waterflow to grow such plants, nor is there any for the Hubpopulation.

Many of the trailers and tents are decorated with shiny pieces of metal and plastic, as well as light- a lot of light. Colorful christmas lights, fairy lights, old lamps, LED discs, and even full theatrical spotlights fill the Junkyard and make it colorful and bright whenever the sun goes down.


The Hubpopulation of the Junkyard is a diverse and lively one, with many versions of close companions living within- My Hubfather lived along with me under a very large tent, as did my Hubsister, and some of my Hubschoolfriends. We even have my old Hubdog, who has since passed but still remains (and is still a very good boy). They're friendly and nice, and will offer to share their food and personal items. I can borrow things if I ask, and they may even give gifts- one example being the lighter that I mentioned bringing with me into the Bookstore. Once the sun sets, the festival begins: A hoedown of sorts with lots of singing, hollering, and music on improvised and discarded instruments. Crops are cooked into elaborate meals such as stews, pies, and breads. The Junkyard Hubpopulation dances with delight and spin around in sets of two or three, and they don't stop until the sun rises.



1) I can't climb the fence. I'm calling this a definitive rule because any time I try, I either get tired too quickly, can never seem to reach the top no matter how high I climb despite seeing it should be barely within arms reach, or am overcome with an impending sense of dread at the thought of leaving the Junkyard. This might mean something, but there's not enough evidence to explain why.


1) Do not steal from the Hubpopulace. I don't actually know what this would do, I'm sort of just assuming from my other dreamhubs that stealing is off the table. Either way, I've never had to steal anything or felt the need. The people living there are happy to share, and if I find something on the ground that's not within spitting distance of a tent or a trailer, I can safely assume it's fair game.

2) I should always partake in the festival. If I don't, the dream gets very difficult to stay lucid in- And of course, it's hard to avoid this festival in the first place. Once I am no longer lucid, the dream is very likely to bleed into a filler dream and send me away from it.