The Bookstore


I began dreaming about the bookstore before entering middle school, some time around 2015.


The bookstore is a large bookstore on the side of the street in a rural setting. It lacks a parking lot, but has two large mahogany doors. The interior is warm and comfortable, and the ceiling is very high- I'm going to put a rough estimate of the highest portion at around 40 ft (12m)- with an ornate chandelier in the center of the lobby. In the lobby there is a desk with an old pc computer. The bookshelves extend around the library in eight sections divided by eight hallways, with rings between each set of shelves. The layout is reminiscient of a spider web when viewed from above. A spiral staircase behind the desk in the lobby goes to the second 'floor', which is a collection of catwalks with short shelves that come up to about my hips on either side. They follow the eight hallways along the first floor's layout.


Sitting at the desk in the lobby is a woman who will be referred to as the Librarian from this point on. She is an older woman with a constand frown and deep lines on her face, and whitening blond hair. The most notable thing about her is a fleece shawl that she wears over her shoulders. She does not get up from the desk, but she does acknowledge my presence. Her voice is very polite despite the frown, and no matter what I say to her, her response is simply to point in the direction of one of the hallways and tell me to look for my book there.

There is also an array of animals that roam the halls of the bookstore. They do not behave as most animals do, fully ignoring me and even sometimes avoiding me when I come across them. Their rank in the food chain or temperament/domesticity in the waking world has no effect on this behavior. I have also not yet observed any of the animals damaging the bookstore, whether by accident or intentionally- although they do interact with eachother. I have seen some animals eating one another in this library, and as previously stated, their real life behavior and dietary restrictions do not affect this behavior.



1) It is always raining outside of the Bookstore, and it is always night. It doesn't matter what weather or time of day I enter the bookstore, as soon as the door is closed behind me, it's raining at night time. The severity of the storm changes from dream to dream, spanning between a light drizzle and a thunderstorm with winds strong enough to make the building creak. If the rain stops or the sun begins to rise, the dream ends.

2) I cannot open the windows of the bookstore. Opening the windows will cause the rain to stop for some reason, which ends the dream immediately. Puzzlingly, this does not extend to the door, which I can open without stopping the rain and even exit out into the rain with no such problems.

3) I cannot take books from the bookstore. Regardless of whether or not I purchase these books, I cannot remove them from the store. This is only a definite rule because I think it's physically impossible- I have tried to take books out through the front door, but there is some sort of invisible wall that is impermeable only to the books. Neither I nor the rain is caught on this wall, but I can't remove the books no matter how hard I try.

4) The books are not consistent. From my research into dreams this seems to be the case for almost all text, dreamworlds or otherwise, but it feels relevant to mention if only for the fact that this dreamhub is filled with books. The books make absolutely no sense- when they're not outright empty or written in scribbles and symbols, the text is complete gibberish. It also changes too rapidly to read one continuous sentence, at least one any longer than three words. What sticks out to me from these books instead are rather the glimpses of single words that I do happen to read, which feel very important to me while I'm reading them. I usually forget these words once I wake up, but an updated list can be found here in the Bookstore notes. I don't know if this means anything, or if it's the typical overabundant signifigance that we feel towards our dreams. I don't think there's a real difference most days.


1) Do not harm the animals. It does not matter if I do this on purpose or accident, the animal in question will turn on me immediately. It's not even a matter of self defense, because when I give the animal adequate room, it continues to aggressively pursue me. Animals from the size of a bear to that of a bee will chase me with the exact same level of ferocity and desire to maim. This is easily avoidable, as I have previously mentioned how animals go out of their way to avoid me.

2) Do not bright sources of ignition into the Bookstore. I had a lighter from the Junkyard with me once upon entering. As soon as I had entered, I noticed that the Librarian was absent. The very next thing I noticed was a cacophany of ferocious screeching and whalloping as every single animal weaved through the shelves to find the lobby and take me down. I do not plan on trying to sneak any more sources of ignition into the Bookstore or attempting to start any fires, as I am short on relatively calm dreamhubs at the moment.